Club Description: The SECME club meets the second Wednesday of each month from 2:30pm - 3:15 pm in room # 330. Individual committees meet as needed to prepare for the SECME Olympiad.
In this club, students:
* Create banners based on the SECME Olympiad's theme
* Compete against the clock and each other in a contest filled with science questions: Brainbowl.
* Build bass wood bridges to pre-determined specifications.
* Build containers that meet pre-determined specifications to protect an egg.
* Build cars that are propelled by the spring of a mousetrap
* Build a water rocket that must meet predetermined specifications.
* Design a Rube Goldberg device using Minecraft software
* Design and build an FPL Generator that must meet predetermined specifications.
* Compete in a Mathematics Challenge
* Build a functioning bionic arm that must meet predetermined specifications.
* Design a Rube Goldberg device using Minecraft software
* Compete in a Vex Robotics competition
* Produce a STEM/STEAM video
* Compete in the SECME Olympiad
Requirements: good attitude, punctuality, self-motivation
Club Sponsor: Mr. Michael Weiss
Location: Room 330 Meetings: The second Wednesday of each month and by committee.
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